Why is My Canine Vomiting White Foam? This is What to Know.

Does your dog vomit white foam? Testimony that your dog is vomiting white foam can be worrying at best and panic dog owners at worst. There are so many reasons for indigestion in dogs, and they have so many similar symptoms, that it can be difficult for veterinarians to quickly diagnose a general disorder. While some of the causes of this problem – like a dog finding rotting food in the trash or ingesting a foreign object – can happen to any dog ​​at any time, you can manage, treat, or prevent a dog from vomiting white foam on the riskiest and most dangerous reasons for a dog.

First, why is your dog vomiting white foam?

Why does your dog vomit white foam? Photography © MartinPrescott | E + / Getty Images.

A dog that gets sick once before going back to normal has likely eaten something it shouldn’t be eating. On the other hand, if a dog vomits several times a day or for more than a few days in a row, make an appointment with a veterinarian. The main causes of a dog vomiting white foam are internal injuries, infection, and inconsistent eating habits. The main ones we will examine are:

  1. Absorption of toxins, poisons and foreign bodies
  2. Gall vomiting syndrome
  3. Bloating
  4. Kennel cough
  5. Pancreatitis and other digestive infections
  6. Parvovirus
  7. rabies

1. A dog vomiting white foam may have eaten something strange

Eating a foreign object can cause an upset stomach, indigestion, or intestinal blockages, which can reasonably indicate a dog is vomiting white foam. With the exception of dog toys, small, loose items should be kept out of the reach of indoor dogs. Household items that are toxic to dogs – especially household cleaners that are not dog-safe and pesticides that target insects or rodents – can also cause side effects, such as: B. a dog vomiting white foam.

Store all household chemicals in tightly closed, shatterproof containers and never leave them out. When clearing rat, roach, or mousetraps, place them in places that are out of your dog’s reach. Here is a list of plants and foods that can be toxic to dogs. Be aware of the presence of these in your home. For a veterinarian, having a dog vomit white foam can be of vital importance.

2. Your dog may throw up foam because of bilious vomiting syndrome

The bilious vomiting syndrome in dogs is similar to acid reflux in humans. Bile and stomach acids are naturally occurring fluids that aid digestion and processing of food. However, they can cause irritation on an empty stomach. This irritation can cause an otherwise healthy and hungry dog ​​to ignore meals or, in more extreme situations, vomit to drive off the excess. The vomit from Bilious Vomiting Syndrome can be yellow, white, green, orange, brown, or a mixture of colors. Sometimes it is accompanied by slimy mucus.

Feeding an active dog smaller meals at regular intervals throughout the day – including a small snack first thing in the morning and last at night – can be the best and easiest way to resolve what could become a more serious problem . If excess stomach acid or bile is to blame, a dog that produces excess digestive fluids may experience gastric or intestinal damage over the course of its life, leading to more serious digestive problems as it ages.

An alternative solution are acid-reducing drugs. Check with your dog’s veterinarian who can recommend an antacid that may also help relieve your dog’s suffering, especially if your work schedule prevents you from giving your dog physical meals throughout the day.

3. Bloat can cause dogs to vomit white foam

Flatulence, also known as stomach torsion or stomach enlargement, is an extremely serious condition in dogs. In the worst case scenario, a dog’s stomach literally twists out of its normal position in the stomach. Not only does this trap air, food, and fluids in the stomach, but it also restricts blood flow.

One of its early symptoms, before any movement in and out of the stomach is stopped, is a dog vomiting white foam. This condition is most common in deep-chested adult and older dogs. While the exact reasons for this are unclear, prevention mainly consists of making sure dogs aren’t overactive immediately after eating.

4. A dog vomiting white foam can be a sign of kennel cough

Kennel cough is a mild illness that is most common in households with multiple dogs, boarding schools, veterinary offices, dog parks, and places where training courses are held. Anywhere where large numbers of dogs are present, this upper respiratory infection can occur.

If a dog throwing white foam has recently been in any of these situations, a veterinarian can come to a diagnosis much faster. Other symptoms to look out for include a cough and eye discharge or a runny nose. Kennel cough is also usually a self-limiting disease that usually takes about two weeks to complete.

5. Pancreatitis can cause dogs to vomit white foam

Swelling or inflammation of the pancreas interferes with a dog’s normal digestive function. If the food cannot be broken down, processed and disposed of properly and regularly, the dog has limited options for getting rid of the excess material in his stomach. Vomiting is a way, and white foam can accompany it.

Dogs with canine diabetes are at increased risk of developing pancreatitis when white foam in the vomit is also linked to diabetes. Other symptoms include a bent position, noticeable abdominal pain, and a fever.

6. Parvovirus can cause foamy vomiting in dogs

A viral infection that is most common in puppies and very young dogs that live in homes with multiple dogs. Dogs get parvo from oral contact with feces. Signs of the disease generally begin within a week to 10 days of exposure to the virus.

Along with your dog vomiting white foam, the most alarming symptom of parvo is diarrhea, which contains blood and has a strong odor. This is a fatal disease; Most combination vaccines in early life, however, help puppies build immunity to parvovirus. An unvaccinated dog who vomits white foam can indicate parvo as the cause. Consult a veterinarian as soon as possible.

7. A dog who vomits white foam can have rabies

Rabies is the ultimate and least likely culprit for a dog who vomits white foam. We all know the image of a rabid dog foaming in the mouth, but the belching of foam occurs only in the latter stages. By the time a dog vomits white foam, observers will have noticed much more worrying signs, such as aggressive behavior. As with Parvo, rabies is preventable with the appropriate vaccines and boosters.

The bottom line of a dog vomiting white foam:

A sick pug with a mask.

The two most dangerous reasons dogs vomit white foam are actually preventable. Photography by WilleeCole Photography / Shutterstock.

An informed, attentive, and proactive dog owner has a distinct advantage. This means knowing your dog’s eating habits, identifying any deviations, and being able to adapt to the circumstances. Changing a dog’s servings and frequency of meals, whether they’re a growing puppy or an active adult, can help prevent bile and acid build-up, which can lead to digestive problems later in life.

Keeping a dog in a clean environment – including regularly disinfected food and water bowls – minimizes the risk of contracting parasites and bacterial infections. The two most dangerous reasons for a dog to vomit a white foam – parvo and rabies – are largely preventable with proper vaccination.

Tell us: Has your dog ever vomited white foam? What was the reason your dog vomited white foam?

Thumbnail: Photography © Lindsay_Helms | iStock / Getty Images Plus.

This piece was originally released in 2010.

About the author

Melvin Peña was trained as a scholar and teacher of 18th century British literature before turning his research and writing skills to puppies and kittens. He likes making art, hiking and going to concerts, as well as dazzling the crowd with karaoke performances. He has a one year old Bluetick Coonhound mix named Idris, and his online life is conveniently summed up here.

Learn more about how to decipher what your dog is throwing up on Dogster.com:

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